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Wednesday, September 09, 2009
WeCallTheShots w 5DmkII! - 5:58 PM
2 comment(s)
Last month, a group of us, young professional photographers went out for a fun shoot during the National Day.. One of our friend Liwei came up with the name "WeCallTheShots", i think it sounds rather cool! It's always nice to be able to shoot for fun besides the many fun wedding and bridal shoots we have.. If not for the weight of the camera, i would love to bring my equipments out more often.. Hopefully we can have more casual shoots but in view of the busy months ahead, i doubt any of us would have the time to do so..

Here, I've got a chance to bring my new 5DmkII for a test run.. I absolutely love it, love the high ISO that produces really high quality images.. Now that I look at the images i shot with the old 5D, they always seem noisy to me.. keke..

Thanks to our friend Celest who avail herself to be our model on that day..
